At Free String Utilities, your privacy matters. Here’s how we handle it:
No Data Collection from Tools: Our tools (Word & Character Counter, Text Case Converter, Text Replacer, Reverse Text, Text Line Sorter, Text to Slug Converter, Text Word Frequency Counter, Base64 Encode/Decode, SHA-256 Hash, AES Encryption/Decryption, Random Key/Nonce Generation, Generate UUID) run entirely in your browser. No text you enter, results, or personal data are sent to a server, stored, or shared.
Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to track visitor counts and site usage. It collects anonymized data like your device type, browser, traffic source, and how long you stay. This helps us improve the site. Google may use this data per its Privacy Policy. We don’t link this to your personal identity.
Local Storage: Some tools may optionally store non-sensitive data (e.g., recent text inputs) in your browser’s `localStorage` for convenience. This data is not secure, as it can be accessed or modified by you via browser tools. You can clear it at any time through your browser settings.
No Cookies Beyond Analytics: Google Analytics sets cookies to track sessions, but we don’t use additional cookies or tracking tools ourselves.
Future Changes: If we add features like ads, premium tools, or extra analytics, we’ll update this policy to explain how your data is used.
Questions? Contact us.